Domain Enumeration Cheatsheet

In this post, I am going to share a cheatsheet which you can use while doing domain enumeration in active directory environment. Let's begin. 

Always Enumerate following things first:
  1. Users
  2. Computers
  3. Domain Administrators
  4. Enterprise Administrators

[*] Import Powerview

[*] Get current domain

1. Get-NetDomain   
[*] Get object of another domain

1. Get-NetDomain -Domain


[*] Get domain SID for the current domain

1. Get-DomainSID


[*] Get domain policy for the current domain

1. Get-DomainPolicy
2. Get-DomainPolicy."system access"


[*] Get Domain Controllers for the current domain

1. Get-NetDomainController


[*] Get a list of users in the current domain

1.  Get-NetUser

[*] Get list of all properties for users in the current domain

1.  Get-UserProperty
2.  Get-UserProperty -properties pwdlastset
3.  Get-UserProperty -Properties logoncount
4.  Get-UserProperty -Properties badpwdcount


[*] Search for a particular string in a user's attributes:

1. Find-UserField -SearchField Description -SearchTerm "built"


[*] Get a list of computers in the current domain

1. Get-NetComputer
2. Get-NetComputer -Ping
3. Get-NetComputer -OperatingSystem "*Server 2012*"
4. Get-NetComputer -FullData


[*] Get a list of groups in the current domain

1. Get-NetGroup
2. Get-NetGroup -FullData
3. Get-NetGroup 'Domain Admins' -FullData
4. Get-NetGroup *admin*


[*] Get all the members of the Domain Admins group

1. Get-NetGroupMember  -GroupName "Domain Admins" -Recurse


[*] Get the group membership for a user

1. Get-NetGroup -Username "Thanos"


[*] List all the local groups on the machine

1. Get-NetLocalGroup -ComputerName -ListGroups


[*] Find shares on hosts in current domain

1. Invoke-ShareFinder -Verbose


[*] Find sensitive files on computers in the doman

1. Invoke-FileFinder -Verbose


[*] Get all fileservers of the domain

1. Get-NetFileServer


[*] Get list of GPO in the current domain

1. Get-NetGPO
2. Get-NetGPO | select displayname
3. Get-NetGPO -ComputerName

[*] Get list of OU in the current domain

 1. Get-NetOU
 2. Get_NetOU -FullData

[*] Get GPO applied on an OU. Read GPOname from gplink attribute from Get-NetOU

1. Get-NetGPO -GPOname '{6AC1786C-016F-11D2-945F-00C04fB984F9}'

[*] Get a list of all domain trust for the current domain

1. Get-NetDomainTrust
2. Get-NetDomainTrust -Domain

[*] Get details about the current forest

1. Get-NetForest
2. Get-Forest -Forest

[*] Get all domains in the current forest

 1. Get-NetForestDomain
 2. Get-NetForestDomain -Forest

[*] Map trusts of a forest

1. Get-NetForestTrust
2. Get-NetForestTrust -Forest

[*] Find all machines on the current domain where the current user has local admin access

1. Find-LocalAdminAccess -Verbose

[*] Find local admins on all machines of the domain

1. Invoke-EnumerateLocalAdmin -Verbose

[*] Find computers where a domain admin has sessions

1. Invoke-UserHunter
2. Invoke-UserHunter -GroupName "RDPUsers"


Do share if you like the post. Happy Hacking! 😊




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