Getting back to CTF solving after a looong break, is a difficult task. So, I decided to proceed with an EASY challenge, and VulnHub was the obvious choice to find the one. In few searches, I found a perfect machine to start with - 'The Planets: Mercury'. This boot2root machine had 2 flags: USER & ROOT. The USER flag can be obtained by SQLi ==> Creds ==> SSH ==> FLAG. The ROOT flag is were an interesting PrivEsc lie in. Hope you find this writeup interesting & useful!
Information Gathering
Port Scan: Nmap
To begin with reconnaissance, let's find out open ports with Nmap, with service version enumerations:

Port 8080

So this looks like a simple page with no secrete or hint. Let's try accessing some common directories:

Visiting 'admin' directory, we got the error page. This happened as the site is built on Django with Debug set to True. Luckily for us, the URL Configuration is being reflected on error page. Let's visit 'mercuryfacts':

Again, this page has 2 URLs, To Do List & a Facts page. Facts page has interesting facts about mercury, and more interestingly, these facts are assigned with IDs:

This is an SQL call. The Fact is changing along with the ID from URL. Let's try to break the query and confirm the SQLi:

This debug information from the SQL error page, shows that the URL string directly being accepted to build SQL syntax to query the database for facts.
Let's further add the universal True query to this statement to start with:
Worked as expected! Considering the True statement, database reverted with all the facts. Now let's exploit this further to dump-out the database.
With 'order by', let's find out no. of records:
As can be seen, it contains only one record as we have got error at 2. Moving ahead with 'UNION' statement, let's find the DB name:
Digging deeper and enumerating table names from database, with reference to information_schema:
USERS table seems like interesting, let's enumerate the columns from it:
The obvious choice will be to procced with dumping data from username & password:
Remember, there's a SSH service running! We shall use these dumped credentials to login via SSH. Being lazy to try with each username & password combination, MSF auxiliary will be helpful here to bruteforce the SSH login:
Success! We found the valid username:password combination:
Moving ahead, let's SSH into webmaster and gain the user flag:
Awesome! This was an easy catch. But the very interesting technique lies in Privilege Escalation part, let's move ahead.
Privilege Escalation
Exploring all files & folders leads us to a secrete note:
By decoding the base64 value, we got the password for linuxmaster user. Let's su into it & look for root flag:
Checking linuxmaster's privileges, we can understand that the user is allowed to run /usr/bin/ as a root user (sudo permissions), but in Preserved Environment. Now, as a primary approach, let's read and understand the shell script:
As can be seen here, the user doesn't have the write permission to modify the shell script. But, as the user can execute it and tail command is also being called in the script, we can take advantage of this by linking tail with another executable which can spawn a bash shell!
Being a Linux machine, this machine has vim like most others. And vim can spawn a shell! Let's symlink vim through tail and add the current path to environment variables:
Now, we should execute in preserved environment mode so that symlinking can work as expected. This will link vim to tail and open the in vim editor mode:
Spawning /bin/bash from vim will land us into root shell:
Voila! Now, let's move ahead and hunt for root flag:
Awesome technique always gives awesome result!
Nicely explained. Thanks for sharing, hope to see more cool stuff from you.