Domain Enumeration Cheatsheet
In this post, I am going to share a cheatsheet which you can use while doing domain enumeration in active directory environment. Let's begin. Always Enumerate following things first: Users Computers Domain Administrators Enterprise Administrators Shares [*] Import Powerview [*] Get current domain 1. Get-NetDomain [*] Get object of another domain 1. Get-NetDomain -Domain [*] Get domain SID for the current domain 1. Get-DomainSID [*] Get domain policy for the current domain 1. Get-DomainPolicy 2. Get-DomainPolicy."system access" [*] Get Domain Controllers for the current domain 1. Get-NetDomainController [*] Get a list of users in the current domain 1. Get-NetUser [*] Get list of all properties for users in the current domain 1. Get-UserProperty 2. Get-UserProperty -properties pwdlastset 3. ...